Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Adventures of a Beginner

So I bought this book last night and am already half way through it. Needless to say, I think I am over-training. Running too far too fast. My heart rate is way too high (usually in the mid 170 range) and I am so dog-dead tired after I'm done running, I usually collapse on the couch. I am stiff despite stretching until the next run. Walking up and down stairs has my legs aching. I am proud of my accomplishments thus far but I think I am going to back off the mileage and run just a little slower and try to get my heart rate a little lower. I have been so focused on this race that I am forgetting that I want to do this past April 17. I guess I just don't want to disappoint my team or myself at the race but I apparently need an attitude adjustment. One thing I have learned this far into the book is that injuries are not part of running, or at least they don't have to be. I had a stress fracture about 18 months ago and it took a LONG time to heal. I really don't want to go through that again.

So much to learn. I thought at age 38 I would be smarter....guess not. Oh well. Never too late to figure it out. Maybe by slowing it down a bit will help the weight loss factor a little more. Anyway, it's just a big journey of self discovery I am on. This race will likely be just the beginning for me.


  1. Jen, don't worry for a second about slowing it down. I know what you mean about not wanting to let your team down. I think me overdoing it too fast led to my current injury which was stupid on my part. Running is individual. Even though this is a team effort, each of our legs are individual. Just do the best you can do for yourself, the team is just there to cheer you on. Don't overdo it, its not worth it and will only hinder you.

  2. Jess...you will not let us down no matter what...none of us (okay maybe a few on the team, not me) are fabulous runners. I do it for exercise and so I can eat what I want. I will never win the race, never beat a record...and I'm totally okay with that. We're in this for the fun time, a little work-out and a break from the kids!

  3. Amen to what Jess said! You are only racing yourself in this relay, so just do what you can do and be proud that you did it! We are just your cheerleaders! Keep up the good work and yes slow it down especially when you get outside to keep that heart rate down. Make sure you take your rest days too! Those are important (I like them better than run days!)

  4. Jen, here is a quote from the book I am reading called "Run Less Run Faster"..."It is better to be 10 percent undertrained than 1 percent overtrained when you step up to the start line."
